We strive to do everything possible to give Laurelwood puppies the very best chance to grow into healthy, happy and successful dogs that will be beloved family members for many long years.
We put very careful consideration into breeding, looking at pedigrees, structure, breed type, temperament and working ability. We do extensive health and genetic testing to minimize the risk of hereditary diseases. Good vet care and the best possible nutrition play an important role.
Another key component is the way the puppies are raised. Our puppies are raised in our home with constant care and human interaction. We believe puppies should be raised in the same type of environment where they will live, and early exposure to household activities and novel experiences makes for confident comfortable adult dogs and helps make the puppies’ adjustment to their new homes smooth and easy. Once they are old enough, puppies also have daily outdoor play time; running and playing on natural surfaces is so important in the proper development of their physical structure, builds confidence and makes later house training so much easier.

We incorporate multiple exercises and activities with puppies designed to encourage development. We start Early Neurological Stimulation and Early Scent Introduction exercises when puppies are just three days old, and follow Puppy Culture protocols throughout the entire time they are with us. Since our dogs are working retrievers, puppies are exposed to gunfire, a variety of birds such as ducks, pheasants and live pigeons and (weather permitting) water.