SHR GCH CH Laurelwood High Gloss SH CD RE DS WDX
(HR GCH CH* Next Generations Ironwoods Walnut MH QAA WDQ x HR AKC GCH CH/Intl CH CoolWater’s Roane Point CD BN RE NA NAJ RATN SH WDQ ROMQ)
DOB: 09/22/2018 | Height: 22″ | Weight: 60 pounds | Color: Brown | Coat: very dense
Health Clearances: Hips – pending | Elbows – pending | Eyes – pending | Cardiac – pending | DM – Carrier | EIC – Clear | PRA – Clear | Long Coat – Clear
Teak is from our 2018 Wally x Fen litter. She has a beautiful topline, a strong and powerful rear, very nice front angulation and has lovely correct movement. She is a very sweet and smart girl, with excellent drive in the field and incredible trainability.
Teak will continue training for both show and performance titles.

Here are a few of Teak’s accomplishments so far:
- Earned her Junior Hunter (JH) title with 4 straight passes, owner trained and handled.
- Earned her Started Hunting Retriever title (SHR) with 4 straight passes, owner trained and handled.
- Earned the Triple Crown Versatility Award at the 2019 National Specialty Show with 1st place wins in Conformation, Obedience, Rally and Working Dog test.
- Passed her ACC Working Dog Test at ten months old.
- Won the 4-6 Month Sporting Group four times, every time she was entered.
- Finished her Champion title with all points from the Bred-By-Exhibitor Classes
- Earned her Senior Hunter (SH) title with 4 straight passes, owner trained and handled